Parent Meeting – January 21, 2009

Call to Order 5:38

Welcome, Introductions, new items for discussion.

Some families are not receiving the Steller Flash.  What happened to the Steller Yeller?

No Principal’s report

No Op Group report

No Ad Board report

Staff Report.  Shannon informed the group that the TerraNova Testing will be done on March 3rd & 4th during 1st and 2nd periods.

Shannon reported that the staff of Steller is in favor of the RECESS Module. The students will be offered modules that include subjects such as; wild life, first aid, community service opportunities, and teen health and issues.  RECESS could be started by February 4th.

The staff will be able to keep track of the students by having them sign in and sign out.  The staff will see to it that the module offerings will have “meat and variety.”

The motion to incorporate RECESS at Steller was passed at the All Community.  The Ad Board will discuss RECESS and vote on it at the next meeting.

A parent said that they would like to see more staff and students at the All Community Meetings. They would like to see the staff introduced.  Discussion about how important the All Community Meetings are at Steller continued.   Suggestions were given to encourage attendance at the All Community Meetings such as:  Potluck meals, a cake off, door prizes,  itune cards and improving how the meetings are run.

Intensives:  Posters that advertise Intensive suggestions will be placed in the hallways for students to look over and sign if they think they would be interested.  The Principal and the ASD Risk Management will then review the Intensive proposal and approve or deny it. If it is approved, the Intensive will be available for students to sign up.

Tenure:  The Principal observes the new teacher for 3 years to assess them. The tenured staff members at Steller have met as a group to create a cohesive SDL grading rubric and complete packet. This type of product is something that teachers can put forward as an alternative assessment product that the principal can assess to determine teacher proficiency, rather than formal observations.

Treasurers Report:  We have $9,169.59 in the checking account.   88 families have donated $6,460.00   E-Script proceeds thru today come to $1,145.76.  November and December E-Script income totaled $405.90 so efforts to sign people up have really helped.  Raffle proceeds are $1,140.  114 tickets were sold.  Thanks to all who sold tickets

There was discussion about the Parent Group funding students who cannot afford special classes offered at Steller.  There is a scholarship fund but few people know how to access the money.  There is currently a committee of 3 staff members that review applications for scholarships.  The money is distributed on financial need, how many apply and academic standing.  A parent stated that the financial need application was too intrusive.  There is a balance about $12,000 in scholarship fund that is available to students in need. The parent suggested the Parent Group take a look at the formula for scholarship grants to make it more accessible to students.

Funding request from Jennifer and Nina for $352. This is a reimbursement for wool hats purchased at Presidential Inauguration. A motion was made to reimburse Nina and Jennifer $352.  Motion was seconded.  All in favor.  Motion was passed.

Funding request for $45 to make 2’x3’ posters of the new Steller Mission Statement and The new Steller Values Statement.   A motion was made to amend the request to $100 for colors to be added.  Motion seconded.  All in favor.  Motion passed

Old and Ongoing Business.

Kitchen remodel update:  The student has submitted a grant to Lowes and Home Depot for $25,000 each.  The Parent Group has approved in the past a matching fund for the kitchen project for up to $1,000.

RECESS.  Has been discussed earlier in the meeting.  It was added that the largest resistance is from the students at this time.

Bylaws:   The By-Laws have been changed so that any parent present at an Ad Board meeting can represent and vote in place of an absent Ad Board member.  Rochelle will be working on the wording for Parent Liaison.

New Business:

Canoe Raffle.  There has been $400 raised so far for the canoe raffle.  The goal is to raise over $3,000.

College Planning Resources: Paula DeLaiarro is available to the Steller community to help students with their college selection.

Alternative Fair:  Saturday February 24th is the Alternative Education Fair.  Volunteers are needed.

Open House: Steller Open House will be February 10th.  Parent and student volunteers are needed.

Auction:  The Steller Auction is scheduled for March 27th.  Donations and volunteers are desperately needed.  Please Help

Meeting Adjourned: 7:12

Next Meeting February 18th in Ken’s room at 5:30 pm