Parent Group Meeting – January 14, 2010

Welcome:  7:04

Ad Board Report: No notes.  It was decided that the fifty percent plus one will remain as quorum.

Op Group Report:  Next Op Group meeting will be on February 18, 2010 at 7pm.

At the last meeting Op Group discussed ways to increase the attendance at the meetings.  One idea was to give a class credit.   Make Op Group a class called Community or Student Government.

A senior asked Op Group for money to fund a senior project.

Staff Report:  The staff discussed the possibility of a school credit to increase Op Group attendance.  Nina reported on some of the staff’s ideas such as, the credit could be a Community Service pass/fail.  The student would have to keep a notebook and be part of sub-committees.

Nina reported that Jen and Natalie were attending the Talented and Gifted Fair as staff representatives from Steller.

Open house for prospective Steller students will be Tuesday February 9th.

The staff loved the ice cream social.  They would like to see it continue.

The Alternative Fair will be held at the ASD building off Boniface road on Saturday January 23rd from 10am-3pm.   The staff thought it would be a good idea to have things to give to prospective students such as pens and pencils with Steller’s name on them.

The staff discussed working on an Advisory Handbook.  This would enable new comers and current staff to have the same structure in advisory groups.  The staff would like the Op Group to do a survey in the advisory groups to see what the students think is working and what is not working in their groups.

Danielle, Jen, Kaylin and Anna, may speak at the next all school meeting to discuss their experience at the Alternative Education conference in San Francisco last year.

Treasurers Report:

The raffle with Holy Rosary brought in $380.  Next year Steller will try to have its own Raffle.

The Parent Group does not currently have enough money to pay for everything in this year’s proposed budget.   There are currently only half the funds that the budget calls for.  The treasurer will continue to ask parents for money at school functions.  A suggestion was made to write a request for teachers to have the students and advisory group liaisons request donations for the Parent group.

Staff members often come to the Parent Group for financial support for projects they oversee for the Steller community.  This year there are currently no funds available for teacher request.

The Parent Group will be applying for a gaming account from the State of Alaska.  There is a $20 fee and there must be a separate bank account set up for the gaming funds.

Old Business.

The Talent Show and Dessert Night had great participation. $800 was raised for CES.

A parent suggested Steller have another Talent Show toward the end of the school year.

The Ice Cream Social was a big hit.  Thanks to Linda for organizing the event.  Thanks to Staff, Students and Parents for their help.

The Student Directory is available on pdf.    The question was asked if the directory should be sent out electronically.  Wendy did not think this would be a good idea.  She said we need permission from parents to send it out electronically.  During registration next school year there should be an updated permission slip for parents to sign for electronic delivery of the Student Directory.  This year there are 10 pages of the directory that will be printed and available for the Steller Families.

The Auction is March 26th.  A parent requested tax deduction forms with the Auction’s tax ID number be available for parents dropping off donations.    A suggestion was made that Jean and Philips 9th graders mail note cards to Steller parents requesting donations for the Auction soon.

Advisory Groups:  The delegates who attended the CES came home with wonderful suggestions to improve the Advisory Groups.  Danielle would like parents to have input in the Advisory Groups Handbook.  There should be a written job description for the Parent Liaison role.

New Business:

Offering a credit for Ad Board attendance will be discussed at the Ad Board meeting next week.  The discussion is;” Should students earn a quarter credit for attending Ad Board meetings regularly?”  Some students feel it should be voluntary only.  Others feel the students should get a Student Government credit.  Other high schools have credits for Student Government.   The staff talked about naming a class Community Service.  Other ideas for the class name were Volunteerism and Service Learning, Community Leadership, and Student Government.

The staff members would structure a class outline for students.  The students could keep a log, take notes, sit on committees, and learn the format of meetings.

The teachers can create a name for the class through Zangle.  Rochelle suggested the name of the class should be something recognized in college transcripts.

It may be optional for a credit if student prefer.

Space is needed for Drama Club and Music class.  John, a UAA student runs the Drama Club.  It was suggested that a request be made to UAA and APU to have a standing credit inside the university for an internship to teach Drama at Steller.

There is only a Junior High band at Steller.  West offers a high school band but it is impossible to attend because of conflicting class schedules.  A private teacher is willing to come to Steller to teach a class but there is no room available at the school.

A suggestion was made to have a staff position for Music, Drama, and Yearbook so that band could continue through high school and there would be a drama class for credit.


Ad Board meets Thursday January 21, 7pm in Ken’s room

All Community Meeting sponsored by the Op Group is Thursday February 18, 7-0 in the Multi Purpose Room

Parent Group meets next on Thursday, February 11, 7pm in Ken’s room