Parent Group Meeting 4/22/09

Welcome and Introductions: The evening opened with a Cello duet, Liz Tix and Laura Jungreis.

Report from the Principal: in writing.  Harlod gave an overview of the Earth Day Wednesday Schedule.

Report from Op Group: in writing.  A comment was made that if the Op Group minutes were published on line more parents and students would be informed.   All Computer games are banned from the computer lab at all times.

Staff Report: The staff would like to see the class fundraisers to be consolidated to the advisory group.  They would like to see the advisory group assign 3 groups to raise funds.  All proceeds would go to the activity fund.     The majority of teachers and students are positive toward the Wednesday Schedule.  They requested better choices and do not feel the registrations are going smoothly.  The teachers would like to see RECESS only during second and third quarters.

The Travel Policy has added: 6.  Fundraising for individual trips shall be allowed on campus during school hours as long as the fundraising activity provides a service to the student body.  No third party may benefit from these activities.

There was discussion about an academic component being included in the intensives.  An example was given that research and papers be required for all intensives.   A parent suggested that a list of offered intensives be presented to the Parent Group along with a content description of each intensive offered.

The list and course description should be published and sent to parents in advance of the students signing up.

Treasurers Report: Mary Tanner.  We have $7805.12 in the checking account.  A total of 88 families have donated $6460.  eScrip proceeds thru today come to $1,797.23.  Of that balance only $1184.62 is remaining to spend this fiscal year.  $1,000 is earmarked for the Café start up.  Last meeting we earmarked $450 for community support Earth Day guest Larry McClure.  Nina said only $125 was spent for Earth Day.

A funding request was made for $3,500 to pay up front for the Steller T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Water Bottles and Cinch Bags.  This will be reimbursed to the Parent Group.  A motion was made to fund the request for $3,500 to pay for the Steller items.  A second was made.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.

A funding request was made for $750 to use for a Peace Garden at the end of the parking lot.  Jean and Danielle presented the preliminary plans.  The Gazebo would be altered; there would be large rocks and a bench for seating, and a variety of indigenous plants.  ACAT is writing a grant to help with the expenses of the Peace Garden.  Some parents and garden shops are willing to donate plants.  A motion was made to fund $750 for the Peace Garden.  A second was made.  All were in favor.  Motion Passed.

A funding request was made for $300 to reimburse Tina Tomsen, a parent who purchased all the squares and backing for the Steller quilt. The quilt will be  sent to Steller’s sister school in Germany.  A Motions was made and seconded to reimburse Tina $300.  All in favor.  Motion Passed

Jean said she made a 10 foot long floor plan of Steller and sent it to the school in Germany.  The German school mailed a floor plan of their school back.

Old Business: Clay  Kutzer said that he is still working on raising money for the kitchen remodel. It is estimated to cost $70,000- $80,000 He has requested donations from Lowe’s, Home Depot, Fred Meyers, and Spenard Builders.  He is not having much luck.  He would like a parent to help him write grants.  If anyone can help please contact him at or his home phone number 345-1712.

Rochelle suggested The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Calendar should be for parents only.  It is too much work trying to organize the students to help.

New Business: A proposal was made for the Parent Group to establish a sub account with eScrip.  This new account would be for Steller Secondary School Intensives.  The Galapagos group would recruit supporters for this new account.  The parent group could retain a percentage of the earnings from the new account the remainder would go the Galapagos trip until its completion.  At that time, funds would continue to accumulate in the Intensive account until another group seeks to make use of it for travel.  The new group would be required to add a certain number of new supporters before they could begin using the funds.  If no new group applies for the account, the parent Group will disperse the funds for other Intensives or scholarships at their discretion.

There was discussion about how this would work.  Currently, West High school has 7 eScrip accounts registered under their Parent Group.  Steller could have 2 or 3 different accounts rotating to new travel intensives.

A motion was made to set up an eScrip for the Galapagos trip so the students can start recruiting people to sign up for eScrip with the understanding that there will be more discussion at the next meeting.  A second was made.  All were in favor. Motion Passed

Harlod said that interviews are being conducted for a new Social Studies and  Science teacher, a new full time counselor and possibly a half time drama and yearbook Staff member.

SDL’s will be renamed Special Projects because of ZANGLE,  the school districts new commuter system.

New Officers for the Parent Group will be voted on during the May Parent Group Meeting.  Nominations are still being accepted.  “Don’t be shy.”

Announcements of Upcoming Events.

Wed., May 13th Parent Group Meeting 5:30.

Wed., May 6th Ad Board Meeting

Next meeting date: May 13th 5:30 Ken’s Room