Parent Group Forum (Students Welcome)

What ever happened to the Temple of the Bean?  How can groups traveling for Intensives sponsor lunches for extra funds?  Can parents use the kitchen to cook breakfast for their Advisory Group? Is the kitchen even usable? Where can students go for lunch besides off-campus?  How is it that Nurse Wendy has to distribute so many cups of noodles?  How can Classes turn lunchtime into fundraising opportunities? Where can students eat if they’ve forgotten their lunch?  Where can I buy Steller Stuff?

Get involved in the discussion, research, renovation, and reincarnation of “Temple of the Bean.”  Coffee or snacks, lunch or fundraiser—you help decide.  We’ll take the first steps this Wednesday at Parent Group.  A Steller Student is currently writing a grant proposal for funds to renovate the Steller kitchen, and will join us to explain his ideas.  Since form follows function, this would be a good opportunity to discuss a direction for kitchen design.  If we plan to sell pre-packaged lunches, more space for microwaves, or hot water dispensers might be in order.  If we plan to cook for Advisory Groups, or Senior Breakfast, do we need two stovetops?  If we’re operating a coffee concession, do we need extra storage or refrigerator space?  If we’re opening a school store, should we have second window for non-food items?  This is a community-wide discussion for Steller—let’s get started by focusing on design Wed. Oct 22, 5:30 pm at Parent Group.