Parent Group Agenda

Steller Parent group meeting tonight at 6pm!

Please bringing an ice cream topping and be ready to move into action with the following items: Ice cream social February 9th, Community Service Movement and Souper Steller!!  Come and meet our new secretary Kathryn Grundheiser, our Volunteer Coordinator and our Community Service Coordinator.

Parents ready to move into ACTION ACTION!!
Come tonight!

What is happening at Steller (Events, Issues from Steller Groups)

• Principal Report

• Staff Report

• Ad Group Report

• Op Group

 What is happening in Parent Group – Parent Group Committee Reports

• Budget

• Recruitment and Retention Update on the All Community Meeting Discussion
• Adjusting Dates of Future PG Meetings

How can we support Steller? (select one or two for small group conversation):

  • Steller Ice cream Social/Recruitment Fair- How can parents support, what are the roles, what should parents know to be ready to present or answer questions?
  • Volunteer Coordination and Community Service Coordination-what are we doing, how can we grow it?
  • Souper Fridays, how parents can support the student chefs
  • Other


•  Budget approval

 Ideas for small group topics for next parent group meeting

• Recruitment and retention committee?

• Volunteers for Ice Cream Social/Recruitment Fair

 Upcoming Events.

Next Ad Board Meeting Th. Feb. 2 @ 6:30 PM