Steller Parent group meeting tonight at 6pm!
Please bringing an ice cream topping and be ready to move into action with the following items: Ice cream social February 9th, Community Service Movement and Souper Steller!! Â Come and meet our new secretary Kathryn Grundheiser, our Volunteer Coordinator and our Community Service Coordinator.
What is happening at Steller (Events, Issues from Steller Groups)
• Principal Report
• Staff Report
• Ad Group Report
• Op Group
 What is happening in Parent Group – Parent Group Committee Reports
• Budget
How can we support Steller? (select one or two for small group conversation):
- Steller Ice cream Social/Recruitment Fair- How can parents support, what are the roles, what should parents know to be ready to present or answer questions?
- Volunteer Coordination and Community Service Coordination-what are we doing, how can we grow it?
- Souper Fridays, how parents can support the student chefs
- Other
•  Budget approval
 Ideas for small group topics for next parent group meeting
• Recruitment and retention committee?
 Upcoming Events.
Next Ad Board Meeting Th. Feb. 2 @ 6:30 PM