Vounteers need ASAP

Hello all, 

Thank you to all those who have already signed up to help at the Aurora Music Festival April 13 to 15th. We still have quite a few positions to fill and could use your help:

  • Buying and setting up drinks and snacks for adults at the Festival (we have a budget to reimburse), 
  • Driving our guest conductors between their hotel and the festival site.
  • Supervising students throughout the day. 

Check out our Sign Up Genius Here! 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our chairs Dee Dee and Amy or Mr Toba. 

Volunteers for Aurora Music Festival!

Hello all, 

Thank you to all those who have already signed up to help at the Aurora Music Festival April 13 to 15th. We still have quite a few positions to fill and could use your help:

  • Buying and setting up drinks and snacks for adults at the Festival (we have a budget to reimburse), 
  • Driving our guest conductors between their hotel and the festival site.
  • Supervising students throughout the day. 

Check out our Sign Up Genius Here! 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our chairs Dee Dee and Amy or Mr Toba. 


Steller Connects!

The Steller Parent Group (SPG) has in past years hosted a directory through a hosting service that required an annual cost to the SPG. This year we are trying to gather the information voluntarily through a simple Google questionnaire. The result will be a list or spreadsheet with basic contact information for individuals who agree to participate. We will need to update each school year.

We would like to invite you to opt in to the Steller Directory by answering with as much information as you are comfortable sharing with the rest of the school’s parents.

This should take less than five minutes to complete. 

We will share a link to the directory with everyone who has registered. 


Next Steller Parent Group Meeting – April 11.

Can you believe we are at our second last meeting of the year?

At this meeting we have several requests for funding for Intensives, Sophomore Day and more! And that’s what we are all about – supporting Steller to provide the best education for our students. 

It’s time to start getting our Board in place for next year too. If you are interested in learning more about what is involved please join us on Tuesday or reach out to our chairs Amy or Dee Dee at chairstellerparentgroup@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!