Opportunity to Give Feedback about Steller Staff to ASD

We all received the following info in our email from the ASD.  Parent Group wants to encourage all students and parents to use this opportunity to give your  kudos and feedback about our teachers and staff at Steller.  Let the district know about teachers that are doing a great job or areas that need improvement.  The evaluation form is only 5 questions long.  Easy!

Parents,The Anchorage School District’s evaluation system is a reflection of our mission to “educate all students for success in life.” Students, parents, community members and school staff are given the opportunity to provide information about teacher and administrator performance.

The two forms currently available are the Evaluation Input Form on Teachers and the Evaluation Input Form on Administrators (whether they are site administrators or central office administrators). If you would like to complete an evaluation input form you have three options:

  1. Members of the public and employees not wishing to remain anonymous can complete the Web-based Evaluation Input Form by going to either the Parents or Community portal pages on the district’s website:  www.asdk12.org/parents or www.asdk12.org/community/. Links to both Evaluation Input Forms are available under the “Feedback & Questions” heading.
  2. Employees can complete the web-based Evaluation Input Forms anonymously by going to the District Connection at http://home.asdk12.org. You will find links to either Evaluation Input Form (teacher or administrator) under the Announcements section.
  3. For those who wish to print a hard copy of the form, PDF versions can be found in the Forms & Publications Library on either of the district’s websites by searching for “Performance Evaluation Input.”

Web-based Evaluation Input Forms will be transmitted electronically by the Human Resources Department (Ginger Moser, HR Specialist) to the appropriate supervisor.

School sites will also have ‘hard copies’ of the forms for parents and employees who do not have access to a computer. Each school will determine a location for the form (most likely the main office). Hard copies will be kept confidential and routed by the school to the immediate supervisor.

The Evaluation Input Forms are now available on the website and will remain posted in their Web locations through May 1, 2013.

Thank you,
ASD Human Resources