I.     Call to Order: Quorum- 22
Missing reps from: Alayne, Danielle, Jen, Leigh Anne, Natalie, Nina/Lorna, Philip, and Troy.
II.     Approval of Agenda
III.     Master of Coin’s Report
-Â Â Â Â Â $3404.83
IV.     Old Business– none
V.     New Business
a)Â Â Â Â Â Art Club
The Proposal:
Whereas the Art Club is having an event called the Creative Commons where student artists will be displaying their artwork,
Whereas this event needs a space to host the event in, as well as an additional space to prepare and sell refreshments,
Whereas this event will have announcements as well as musical acts, requiring a sound system.
Whereas this school has a multi-purpose room, student lounge, and kitchen located here in the building,
Whereas TPC has a sound system,
Let it be proposed that the Art Club be granted use of the MPR, student lounge, kitchen, and TPC sound system on November 12th from 2:30pm- 11:00pm. (The event itself is from 7-11)
-Â Â Â Â Â Passed with no opposition.
b)     Ken’s Advisory Group
The Proposal:
Whereas the first part of the 7th Harry Potter movie is coming out in November,
Whereas Ken’s advisory group is hosting the November 19th dance and wish to change the dance theme,
Be it resolved that the dance theme be changed from zombies to Harry Potter.
-Â Â Â Â Â Passed 20/2/0
VI.     Reports
a)Â Â Â Â Â Staff
Mid-quarters come out next week.
Talk to your advisor about an athletic interest survey.
Intensive registration is on Monday, November 8th during advisory group.
b)Â Â Â Â Â Principal-none
c)Â Â Â Â Â Parent-none
VII.     Announcements-none
VIII.     Adjourn.