Op-Group Notes- 9/23/10

I. Call to Order- Quorum 23
Missing reps from: Ken, Nina/Lorna, and Shanley.

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Treasurers Report- $3,404.83

IV. Old Business- none

V. New Business

a)   8th grade: Dance

The 8th grade class brought a proposal to host a dance in April. It could not be passed because of the overnighter

b)  Junior Class: Halloween Grams

Whereas the Junior class is hosting spring prom,
Whereas the Junior class needs money to do so,
Let it be proposed that the Junior class be allowed to sell Halloween grams
On the day of the Halloween dance, October 22nd.
-Passed with no opposition.

VI. Reports
a) Staff: The staff is working on the intensive schedule for the next two years and should have dates soon.
b) Parent- none
c) Principal- none

VI. Announcements
a) Banned Books reading is at Barnes and Noble at 1:00pm on October 2nd.
Anyone interested in participating should see Danielle.
b) Troy’s advisory group is selling T-shirt’s at lunch on Wednesdays.

VIII. Adjourn.