I.    Call to Order
II.    Approval of Agenda
III.    Treasurer’s Report – $1721.99
IV.    New Business
- Dance Proposal- Jen/Troy Alice in Wonderland Theme dance- tabled due to confusion. 26/0/1
- Student Advisory Board- Op group elected three reps to attend Student Advisory Board
- Steller Acro Club- A proposal was brought forth to create a club- tabled due to needed forms were not filled out. 27/0/0
- Mural Proposal- Krystal will hang a poster of a mural for 2 weeks in the hall for feedback. 27/0/0
- Name the Computer labs- sent to AG’s 27/0/0
V.    Reports
- Staff- Intensives feedback was talked about at the staff meeting
- Principal- None
- Parent Group- None
VI.    Announcements- Neon Dance September 23.
VII.    Adjourn
Missing reps: Middle School: Danelle, Deanna and Claudia, Jennifer, Natalie and Alysha, Philip. High School Danelle