Op Group Notes- 4/14/11


I.     Call to Order and Quorum (18)

II.     Approval of Agenda

III.     Treasurer’s Report

-     $2336.92 (this includes all encumbered funds)

IV.     Old Business-none

V.     New Business

a.     New Principal Meet and Greet (Discussion Proposal)

A meet and greet was held on Friday for the four remaining candidates for Steller’s principal. Qualities of a good principal and questions that students wanted to ask were discussed in Op Group.

VI.     Reports

a.     Staff

-     Olympics next year: Do we keep doing winter Olympics or switch back to spring?

-     Next years schedule will be out soon.

-     Fall intensive are being figured out. How to help new teachers with the intensive program, number of students, etc.

b.     Parent

-     April 27th is the last staff lunch!

c.     Principal-none

VII.     Announcements

-     There is no AG  next week.

-     Ad board is this Thursday

-     Senior Breakfast is this Thursday

-     Prom! April 30th at the Westmark Hotel. Theme is Old Hollywood. Tickets are on sale during lunch.

VIII.     Adjourn

Missing reps from: Jen(both), Jennifer(high school), Natalie(high school), Shanley/Danlu (both)