Op Group Notes- 3/31/11

I.     Call to Order and Quorum (20)

II.     Approval of Agenda

III.     Treasurers Report

-     -$192.00

-     Taking into account all encumbered funds, Op Group only has $1008.60 left in its fund to spend freely. This means that it is not possible to pass any of the proposals with funding requests that were sent to AG last week. A committee has been formed to evaluate the problem and implement solutions

IV.     Old Business

a)     Isaac- Cancer Fundraiser

-     Tabled due to overwhelming abstentions and lack of funds

b)     Activity Day

-     Tabled due to overwhelming abstentions and lack of funds

V.     New Business- none

VI.     Reports

a)     Principal

-     The Alaska Native Heritage Center Youth Leadership Conference is soon. Talk about the possibility of sending a student delegation to this event in Advisory Groups. See Harlod for more info

-     Students are needed for the hiring committee. They will be asked to interview the applicants for principal next year and potential new staff members.

b)     Staff

-     Testing next week! Juniors and Seniors don’t need to be at school except for classes after lunch, unless you are re-taking the HSGQE. The schedule for next week is as follows

Monday- 5, 2, 3, 4, Lunch, AG, 6

Tuesday- Testing, Lunch, 1, 2

Wednesday- Testing, Lunch, 3, 4

Thursday- Testing, Lunch, 5, 6

Friday- Olympics!

c)     Parent-none

VII.     Announcements

-     There IS Op Group this week!

VIII.     Adjourn

Missing reps from: Danielle, Jen, Ken, Leigh Anne, Natalie, Nina/Lorna, Shanley/Danlu, and Troy.