Op Group Notes- 3/17/11

I.     Call to Order and Quorum- 21

II.     Approval of Agenda

III.     Treasurer’s Report

-     $2217.40

IV.     Old Business

a)     Erin’s Mural

-     Passed 11/0/2

b)     Beau’s Passage

-     Passed 11/0/2

V.     New Business

a)     Lauren- Lounge Table Picture Frame

For my passage I turned the old lounge table into a more useful design: a picture frame.

Whereas the old table has been converted into a picture frame and,

Whereas the lounge is an open place where artwork could be displayed,

Therefore be it resolved that the picture frame be hung in the lounge.

Whereas the frames need artwork and are ready to be hung and,

Whereas Steller students are artistic and creative,

Therefore be it resolved that a contest between students’ art be held in order to fill the wooden frames.

Be it further resolved that voting will take place in advisory groups once all art has been submitted.

Be it further resolved that the top two pieces of art be hung in the frames to be on display in the lounge for a full semester and then be replaced every semester with new student art.

-     See posters in the hallway (coming soon) for contest details.

-     See picture of the frame on the right—->

-     Passed w/ no opposition

b)     Jen and Natalie- Pi Day

-     Whereas Steller enjoys the celebration of Pi Day
Whereas students enjoy it for the free pie
Whereas students need plates, forks, and napkins to eat these yummy pies with
Steller’s math department is requesting $45 from Op Group to help pay for the napkins, forks, and plates for pi day.

-     Passed w/ no opposition

c)     Troy’s AG- Lounge Doodle Book

A proposal was brought suggesting that sketchbooks be put in the lounge in place of writing on the table. Because it was not sent to the secretary, it is not included in the notes.

VI.     Reports

a)     Principal

Any students with musical talent that want to perform at the Steller Founder’s Day Award Ceremony on the 23rd should talk to Harlod. It’s at 2:15 this Wednesday in the MPR

b)     Staff

-     This years auction proceeds will be distributed by parent group and ad board. If you have any ideas for how you want the money spent, go to ad board. (April 21st)

-     Intensive registration has been moved to April 28th.

c)     Parent- none

VII.     Announcement

-     Next Creative Commons is on the 25th! “Auditions” are the week before. See David or Wright for more info

-     If you have any music for the lounge, give it to David or Wright

-     Spaghetti feed to benefit Adopt a Dog Alaska is on the 24th from 5:30- 6:30

-     All Community Meeting next week! The 24th at 6:30. Any students that want to help facilitate group discussion should give their name to Eliza or Olivia.

VIII.     Adjourn

Missing reps from: Alayne, Danielle, Gerald/ Svetlana, Jen, Jennifer, Nina/ Lorna, Philip.