Op Group Notes 3-24-11

  1. Call to Order and Quorum
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  • $2198.06
  1. Old Business-none
  2. New Business
  1. Activity Day

Whereas Steller is having an activity day on May 19th at Lynn Ary park,

Whereas in the past, Op Group has paid for half of all the expenses of Activity Day, including busses and food.

Let it be resolved that Op Group set aside $1000 to help pay for activity day.
– Sent back to advisory groups for a vote.

  1. Japan Day

Whereas the earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan have left many people dead and many more in need of help,

Whereas Steller is a school in which previous world disasters have sparked successful money drives to aid the people affected,

Whereas learning about Japan’s situation can evoke the spirit of giving in all involved, and promote a greater understanding of disasters and how to prepare for them in our own lives,

Let it be resolved that Japan Day be held on Wednesday, April 13th, as a day to learn about Japan’s situation, how it affects Alaska and the rest of the world, what we can learn from the earthquake and tsunami, and to raise money to donate to a charitable organization and specifically used to aid the people of Japan. Students are encouraged to bring a small donation to be dropped off in a secure box or jar in the office. Karen the librarian has volunteered to create an informative display to be shown on Japan day. Students are also encouraged to celebrate Japan in other ways, such as bringing in Japanese cuisine, wearing Japanese or Japanese-inspired clothing, or helping set up.

  • Passed w/ no opposition.
  1. Cancer Awareness Fund-raiser

I (Isaac Yep) am organizing a charity event for the American Cancer Society, partly as a surprise for my sister, who has had cancer for most of her childhood. This event will take place after hours at Steller. It has been approved by Harlod and is going to be televised, thanks to sponsorship from the American Cancer Society. A video, filmed at the skate park by Steller students, will be shown at the event. To film the video and put on the charity event, I need money to obtain the necessary materials (Avatar costumes, and colored smoke kits). Any un-used funds will be returned to Op Group.

  • Sent back to Advisory groups for a vote (To give Isaac $200)
  1. Reports
  1. Principal
  • Deadline to apply for this summer’s Chinese Bridge summer camp is April 30th! Info on the Flash
  • Deadline to apply for Alaska Medical School program is March 29th. Info on the Flash or see Harlod.
  1. Staff
  • Intensive Sign-up on Monday (today)
  • The staff is currently discussing the roles of advisors vs. that of a school counselor
  1. Parent-none
  1. Announcements-none
  2. Adjourn

Missing reps from: Bob, Danielle, Jen, Jennifer, Leigh Anne, and Shanley.