I.    Call to Order
II.    Approval of Agenda
III.    Presentation from Nurse Anne- The blood drive was on 2-17-12 from 12-5 pm. Blood drives are held to save peoples’ lives. The blood is given to those who are in need of it like car accident victims and blood transfusions. To donate, you have to be at least 16 years old with parent permission (18 without) and weigh at least 113 lbs. The blood is given to people in the community. Eat well before you donate and stay hydrated. Side affects include dizziness and fatigue.
IV.    Treasurer’s Report – $1516.27
V.    Reports
- Dale- Dale said to be on the look out for kids at Steller that aren’t behaving. Vandalism is happening and talk to Dale if you see any of it occurring.
- Staff – Staff is starting to look at putting next year’s class schedule together.
- Parents- None
VI.    Announcements
- Souper Steller has been very successful and accomplished their goal for AWAKE and was able to purchase the X-box. They are looking for a new program to donate to. A system has been set up so that people vote with their spoons when they are done eating.
VII.    Adjourn