I.    Call to Order
II.    Approval of agenda
III.    Treasurer’s report – $2710.27
IV.    Old Business
- Mural Proposal
V.    Reports
- Principal- Go to the ACM
- Staff- Intensive scholarships are there if you need one, just go to the office and ask. Add/ Drop forms only come your advisor. Steller Alternative Fair Feb. 4th
VI.    Announcements
- Prom- Jan. 28th
- Alternative Fair- Feb. 4th
- Talent show- Jan. 20th
- Ice Cream Social- Feb. 9th 6-8pm
- Last week for Pennies For Patients
VII.    Adjourn
Missing reps- High School: Danelle, Gerald, Ken Middle School: Danelle, Deanna and Claudia, Gerald, Jennifer, Ken, Natalie and Alysha