I.     Call to Order – Quorum: 20
Missing reps from: Jen, Shanley, and Troy
II.     Approval of Agenda
III.     Master of Coin’s Report
IV.       Old Business
a)Â Â Â Â Â Art Club Funding
For: 11
Against: 0
Abstentions: 2
IV.     New Business
a)Â Temple of the Bean
Whereas clubs have always been an important part of Steller’s community,
Whereas clubs are recognized as a good way to pull people together and get things done,
Whereas a vast majority of the Steller community is in favor of bringing the Temple of the Bean back into our school,
Whereas this club is open to everyone in the Steller community,
Whereas this club needs an official school account to keep track of funds appropriately,
Therefore, let it be proposed that the Temple of the Bean/ Kitchen Committee/ Bean Team be created as an official club.
The teacher sponsor would be Leigh Anne. Anyone interested, contact Eliza McGownd at [bookoflizla@gmail.com]
-Passed with no opposition
b)Â Jen’s and Natalie’s Advisory Groups- Dance
Whereas the Junior class is hosting spring prom,
Whereas the Junior class needs money to do so,
Let it be proposed that Jen’s and Natalie’s advisory groups co-host the December 3rddance. The theme is undecied as of yet.
c)Â Â Red Ribbon Week
The Proposal:
1) Staff wear red on Monday 10-25-10
2) Advisory group discussion (Monday 10-25-10)
– Discussion guide to be provided
3) Hand out Red Ribbon Week pencils and hologram bracelets.
4) Students wear red on Tuesday, 10-26-10
5) Post a “commitment” Red Ribbon banner on the wall for anyone to sign; pledging their commitment to be drug, alcohol and tobacco free. (Any students interested in helping make this should see Wendy.)
6) Initiate “Steller’s My Anti-Drug (Steller’s M.A.D) Club. Wendy will sponsor and facilitate and members will help create photo posters (of Steller students) with anti-drug info etc.
7) A middle school and high school anti-drug presentation from AKANG, Tuesday, 10-26-10 for both presentations. (45-55 mins each)
Middle school: 10:50- 11:45
High school: 1:10-2:05
d)Â All School Meeting
Whereas Steller Secondary School has had some events this year that make our school look bad,
Whereas a discussion on student behavior will take place regardless of student leadership,
Whereas students listen to other students more than they do teachers.
Let it be proposed that Christopher Jenkins, and several other upperclassmen, hold an all school meeting on Monday, October 8th, during 2nd hour. The purpose of the meeting would be to lead a student-wide discussion on what it means to be a Steller student, how the behavior of several students this year has been extremly inapropriate, and the fact that this needs to change. In addition, It was requested that the staff not be present at the meeting, as students are more open to their peers than they are to teachers about this subject. It was suggested that there is a need to have a very frank discussion and feeling that having the teachers present would hinder the students’ ability to open up.
Note: A friendly amendment was made to change the all school meeting date to an undecided one pending staff evaluation of available times
-passed w/ no oposition
e)Â Intensives
Possible intensive dates
2011/2012 school year
Staff chose: Feb 27th- March 8th
Student choices:
August 16th- 26th
December 5th-15th
2012/2013 school year
Staff chose: August 27th- September 7th
Student choices:
January 8th- 18th
May 8th- 21st
-AG’s: vote on the proposed intensive dates and make sure the results get back to Op-Group
VI. Reports
a) Staff
The staff is forming committees on the following:  possible exit interviews (for seniors), senior projects/ SDL’s, teacher recruitment, parent involvement, and a school action plan.
b)Â Principal-none
c)Â Parent-none
VII. Announcements
a) Planet Steller
Read the signs on the recycling bins! No lids on plastic bottles!
Condense pizza boxes and make sure that there is no pizza left in them when you recycle them!
b) High Scribe
In the interest of conserving paper, please only make ONE copy of a proposal.
c) Seargent at Arms
Op-group reps! If you didn’t sign the attendence sheet, you weren’t at Op-group! See Tate Miles if you have any questions.
d) The official titles for Op-group officers are as follows: (this was passed in 2007)
Chair: High Chancelor
Vice-Chair: Vizier
Secretary: High Scribe
Treasurer: Master/Mistress of Coin
Attendance Officer: Seargent at Arms
X. Adjourn.