OP Group Notes 10/6/11

I.   Call to Order

II.   Approval of agenda

III.   Treasurer’s report – $2887.33

  1. Old Business
    1. Sophomore Class Dance Proposal- PG Cross dressing Dance on December 9th. Passed 21-2-1
    2. 2012-13 intensive dates discuss in AG’s passed 24-0-0

Intensive Dates for Next Year Op Group Proposal

Whereas, this was only the second August Intensive in the past ten years;

Whereas, there was no orientation at the beginning of the school year;

Whereas, students and staff voiced concerns about missing orientation;

Whereas, the late registration delayed some students from starting MyHigh, KCC, and classes at other schools;

Whereas, another August Intensive is scheduled for next year;

Whereas, scheduling orientation and Intensives in August will leave only six weeks for first quarter;

Be it proposed that:

Steller will hold orientation and registration during the first three days of school.

Move the scheduled fall Intensive to December 10th-20th.

Move the scheduled January Intensive to the end of 4th quarter in May.

These changes will allow students time to meet new to Steller students during Orientation; help with students registering for MyHigh, KCC, and classes at other schools; and maintain winter and warm weather Intensives.

Proposed by: Steller Staff

3.  Mural proposal from Krystal-Sent to AG’s to approve 24-0-0

V.   New Business

  1. Club proposal Saleem- Whereas Steller would benefit from an intellectual seminar club, I propose SHIFT  (Seminar for Human Issues and Furthering Thought).
  2. Statement of purpose: The reason I have decided to form this club is to collaborate the thoughts and ideas of a small group of my peers in a seminar format in order to better serve our community and fellow students. Our focus is to shift paradigms of thinking through open discussion of current issues. We will meet weekly during lunch or after school to engage in closed seminar sessions every other week. Biweekly we will choose specific topics to bring to SHIFT meetings that are open to all students. Through these peer engagements we hope to enlighten and give greater perspective and involvement to younger students. Seniors that are interested in joining the core seminar group should give Ocean a typed paragraph describing why you would be a positive addition to the group, and attend a SHIFT meeting.

a. Ashley

b. Ocean Saleem Jangda

c. We will meet weekly during lunch or after school.

d. Ambassadors have already been elected:

  1. Ethan Korpi-Love
  2. Kari Pedersen
  3. Kevin Lankford
  4. Ocean Saleem Jangda

e. Thursdays at lunch in Philip’s Lab or Ashley’s room

VI.    Reports

  1. Principal- Working on parent involvement plan and a student action plan
  2. Staff- Student lead conferences are coming up soon on Oct. 26 and 27

VII.   Announcements

  1. Auction Nov. 12, work on baskets
  2. The auction is also looking for entertainment, tryouts on Oct. 20
  3. Present 2nd semester peer taughts to staff on Oct. 17

VIII.   Adjourn

Missing reps: not available