Op Group Meeting Minutes – March 4th, 2010

I.    Call To Order – No quorum was reached at this meeting, so no business could be voted on.

II.   Approval of Agenda

III.  Treasurer’s Report
a.    $4275.92

IV.   Old Biz
a.    TPC (Technical Production Committee) Proposal
i.    TPC previously asked for $870 from Op Group and a vote on the proposal that any group holding a dance outside of the school would be required to make a safety deposit equal to the average of three local DJ’s respective fees divided by two.
ii.   Passed with no opposition – Natalie’s AG was unaccounted for
iii.  A note regarding TPC: when it comes to passing information to TPC talk to the students involved. The information will spread much more efficiently that way.

V.     New Biz

VI.   Reports
a.    Staff
i.    First semester schedule is out, tentative registration in AG’s.  Also, registration for intensives.

VII.  Announcements
a.    AUCTION!!! And baskets!
b.    Thanks for coming to the ACM (All Community Meeting) 🙂