Ole’ Steller Yeller – October 2008

Hello again! I hope each and every one of you is in good health and spirits.

During this time of uncertainty in so many areas of our lives it is important that we are kind to each other- that we focus on what we have rather than what we do not have. Family is very important at this time for the support and the unconditional love it offers to its members. If you are lucky enough to have friends they too are your family.


I realize that there are some glitches in how the office is running at this time. It is to be expected with the addition of two new staff members. Cathy Hosler is our new administrative assistant and she is doing a remarkable job finding her way through the maze of paperwork and red tape she has been briefly confounded by. I am still in the middle of that very steep learning curve but am quickly learning my way around Steller. In an effort to keep every one informed of important issues, dates etc. I have been utilizing the automated calling system (student messenger/robot call) quite a bit. If you receive a phone call from the student messenger system (robot call) and are unable to hear the full message, please check the Steller Parent Website http://www.stellerschool712.org for updated information. Generally, the robot calls are reminders of information that is posted on the website and/or in the Steller Flash section of the website. If you have not registered as users on the website. Please go to the website and register. The process only takes a few minutes to complete. Just look on the right side of the page and click where it says, “sign me up.” Once you are registered, you will receive an e-mail telling you when new updates or information are posted to the website. Steller will continue to use the Student Messenger System, in conjunction with the website, to keep you informed of upcoming events and activities.

Staff are currently finalizing the choices for the Winter Intensives [12/8/09 – 12/18/08] . When staff has finalized their picks they will post course descriptions for the Intensive class offerings. This information will be posted on October 15, 2008. At that time students will be able to choose their top two choices. Students will be able to make these selections up until November 3, 2008.

Thank you, to all of the parents, for your support of Steller. Having seen how the parents rally around the school has been very heart warming. The All School BBQ was excellent, Open House was attended well and the All Community Meeting was also attended well. Parents should be an integral part of every school however; they are an integral part of Steller. All of the afore mentioned events were wonderful examples of the Steller community pulling together for the benefit of our students.

Harlod Green