October Calendar

Don’t forget to make note of the following dates in your calendar.

The Second Quarter starts Monday, October 19, 2020. Congratulations to all Students, staff and families for facing this huge challenge.  There are many stories of success to be celebrated, and a whole new quarter to grow for those who struggled.  

The Open House on Wednesday the 21st starting at 6:00pm. This is your chance to meet your student’s teachers, find out about their routines and expectations, learn about how they use canvas, and ask questions. Spending this time is an important way to help your student succeed during these particularly challenging times. It would be a real show of support to our students and teachers if every family made an effort to attend this time. 

Tami has send an email with the zoom link from each teacher. To participate log into your student’s advisory zoom link at 6:00. You will then log into each of your student’s three classes via zoom. 

Materials drop off and pick up will be Wednesday the 21st from noon to 6:00pm.  If your child has materials from this quarter that need to be returned to school please ensure you do so.  Second quarter teachers will have also informed all students if they need materials before Wednesday as well. 

Parent-student-teacher conference this quarter are by appointment only. Steller teachers are always very happy to speak with students and parents through out the term, and at conferences. But this year they have lots on their plate. One way we can support our teachers, and students that may be struggling, is to *not* book a conference unless you have a particular concern. Teachers will use this extra time to focus on supporting students that need it.

Finally,  can’t we all use some days off! Happy October!