Nurse’s Notes – March 2010

Building Our Youth’s Developmental Assets

Each month, in addition to the Nurse’s Notes, I will include The Search Institute’s “Ideas for Parents” a mini-newsletter containing suggestions and ideas on how to build your child’s assets.  This month’s focus is Support: The Nurturing Nature of Support.  Click here to download. More information can be found at the Safe & Drug Free School’s link via the ASD website, The Search Institute, or by contacting me directly.  I also have a great book on developmental asset building in Alaskan youth if you are interested.

Spring Intensives & Travel

If your student is participating in travel or an overnight intensive, the health office will need updated medical and medication information.  Please check with your student as he/she should have paperwork for you to review and return to the health office prior to intensives.


Lunch, snack, and drink donations are needed for students who forget or don’t have lunch.  Lunch and snack items that do not require refrigeration or freezing and have a good shelf life work best.  Suggestions for donations include: soup cups, granola bars, oatmeal, juice boxes, etc.

Nurse Wendy