Nurse’s News

Hello and welcome to a new school year at Steller Secondary. The nurse’s office is working to keep students’ medical history and shot records up to date to stay in compliance with the State of Alaska’s requirements and provide safe care to students.

Please update your student’s medical health history records yearly and as necessary. By updating their medical history your child can continue to receive the best nursing care.

If you have completed any medical forms during online registration, please print and bring them in to the nurse’s office, as I do not have access to print these completed online forms.

Immunizations Due – Some students will need an immunization booster shot prior to starting school and during the school year. The immunization must be administered and documentation provided to the nurse prior to attending classes. The State of Alaska has a strict “NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL” policy…. [read more – Nurse’s News-Aug2017.pdf]