Nurse News 8/17/15

Welcome to a new school year at Steller Secondary.

The nurse’s office is working to keep our students’ shot records up to date in order to stay in compliance with the State of Alaska’s requirements. Please update your student’s medical health history records yearly and as necessary. By updating their medical history your child will continue to receive the best nursing care. Screening procedures will begin this fall for vision, hearing, height and weight for all seventh graders, sophomores and new-­‐to-­‐district students. Please review the information below and complete the required forms if it pertains to your child.

Fall Intensives & Travel -­‐ If your student is participating in travel or an overnight intensive, the health office will need updated medical and prescription medication information. Please check with your student as he/she will have paperwork for you to review and return to the health office prior to intensives.

Immunizations Due -­‐ Some students will need immunization boosters prior to starting school and during the school year. The immunization must be received and documentation provided to the nurse prior to attending classes. The State of Alaska has a strict “NO SHOT, NO SCHOOL” policy. Students with Religious exemptions must now be renewed and notarized yearly. They must be updated on or after July 1 and are effective July 1 -­‐ June 30. Previously completed religious exemption forms will NOT be grandfathered. Find the form here:

Flu Shots -­‐ If you would like your child to be vaccinated at school with the seasonal flu shot, please complete the form below and return it to the nurse’s office. Our shot clinic is free and tentatively scheduled for late October. Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS):

Tuberculosis (TB) -­‐ Students who are new to ASD (never enrolled before), and seventh graders must complete the Tuberculosis assessment form below and bring in to the nurse’s office.

Allergy/Anaphylaxis -­‐ Steller is a LATEX-­‐FREE environment. Do not bring latex gloves, balloons, or other items made of latex into the building. Parents of children with a known anaphylactic reaction especially to food, animals, or bee/wasp sting must provide the nurse with an Epi pen and an Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan completed by a physician and signed by the parent. The nurse reviews the plan and notifies the student’s teachers. Teachers are trained to administer the epinephrine auto-­‐injector and it will go with the child on field trips. If you need a copy of the Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan to take to your doctor please contact the school nurse or find the form here:

Asthma -­‐ If your student is prescribed an inhaler, the nurse must have an Asthma Action Plan completed by a physician and parent signed Asthma Plan on file in order for them to self carry or to have an inhaler in nurse’s office. If you need a copy of the Asthma Action Plan to take to your doctor please contact the school nurse or find the form here:

Seizures -­‐ If your child has this medical condition, please have the form below completed by the physician and parent and bring in to the nurse’s office.

Diabetes -­‐ If your child has this medical condition, please have the form below completed by the physician and parent and bring in to the nurse’s office.

PE Excuses -­‐ If a student will need to be out of PE for more than three days a written request from a physician is necessary. The excuse must specify the length of the absence (including the return date,) and diagnoses.

Medication -­‐ If your child requires prescription medication during the school day please contact the nurse for the required paperwork or find the form here: All medication must be provided in the original container. The nurse cannot administer any loose medication that is sent to school in a baggie. If a student will need over-­‐the-­‐counter medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums) a medication form must be parent signed and on file in the nurse’s office. The nurse has only those pain relievers on stock, any others need to be brought into the nurse. Find the Long-­‐Term Non-­‐prescription Medication request here under Medication-­‐ Related forms: Students are prohibited by ASD policy from carrying controlled substance medications, such as those prescribed for ADD/ADHD, to school or to give to the nurse. An adult must bring in this medication. The nurse requests the parent to bring in all controlled medications for proper recording. For questions regarding medication administration at school please contact the nurse.

I hope everyone has a great and safe school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the nurse’s office at 742-­‐4963.

Sincerely, Annette Johansen, M.Ed., RN, NCSN Steller Secondary School Nurse