Note from the school counselor

Parents and students,
I have attached a parent handout from the National Association of School Psychologists with suggestion on how to communicate to your children about the Coronavirus. The situation we are experiencing may trigger anxiety in children and this is a time when everyone need a little extra TLC. COVID-19 Parent Handout.pdf
Many of our juniors plan to take the SAT and ACT this spring. Please check College Board and ACT websites for updates. SAT has canceled the May test date so they expect the available seats at the June test date to fill quickly. Please sign up as soon as possible if you plan to take the SAT this spring. There is another test date in August, but I recommend that is your backup date in case you want to retake the test.
If you are looking for something educational and interesting to do online as a family, what about visiting a museum online? Check out the link below.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can provide any support to your family. You can send me an email or leave a message on my phone if I am not in my office.
Stay safe. 
~ Marianne