Note From the Principal

This year, I had the opportunity to submit requests for prioritized items needed for our school.  These were major projects or items not included in our normal ASD budget.  I submitted four items.  Senator Hollis French’s and Representative Mike Doogan’s Offices worked on our behalf to get these items included in the state budget.  Thank you to Senator French and Representative Doogan for including Steller in the budget recommendations.

The items for Steller include upgrades to the library for books and shelving as well as upgrades to the electrical system to allow for more computers in the library. Also included was the request for an additional computer lab and the electrical upgrades needed to support that lab.

As you may know, Governor Palin will be reviewing the 378 projects worth nearly $663 million allocated to Anchorage and determining which will remain.  Governor Palin has said there will be cuts. The governor indicated she’ll trim the $2.3 billion capital budget, which was part of a $2.9 billion spending bill that passed just before the Legislature adjourned.

Please take this opportunity to support our school and write a letter or send an e-mail  to Governor Palin (cc Karen Rehfeld) indicating your support of Steller and these much needed projects.  You may use the contact information below to write the Governor.  Thank you for your support of our school.


Edited by the webmaster to include this link to email Governor Palin: