Northwest Accreditation Survey – Please Help

I have placed the survey back on the website.  Please take the time to fill it out.  There will be questions that you don’t have the answers to, however, answer them the best you can.  The surveys are devised by the NW and local entities have no input into the questions.

Please try to complete them.  The highest number of participants from the parent side last time around was 20.  That will not give the NW the information they need.  I know it is a pain, however, just do your best in answering the questions.  It should take about 10 -15 min to complete.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation.  We really need as many parents, staff and students as possible to complete the survey.  If you did it last time it was advertised, thank you and please do not do it again.


Some basic information before you take the survey:

All information is confidential and no names are asked for or used when collecting this data. With this in mind we are asking for honest answers to the survey questions. This is a very important survey for it is the baseline for which the accreditation committee views the school’s progress.

The survey is self-explanatory and will save the last section of which you stopped at. If you are in the middle of the section and you select “Exit this Survey” link you will lose that information and will have to start that section over again. It only saves up to that section of the survey. Complete the section of the survey and then you may exit it and return at some other time.

Start and end the survey at the same computer. The survey registers the IP address number so if your start it at home and restart at work… you will have to start all over.

Any web browser will work that we know of… we could be wrong. Please let us know if your browser doesn’t work.

Take the survey only once.

The Northwest Accreditation Committee appreciates your time and commitment to the Steller program.

Click here to begin the survey.