Greetings Steller Community!
The ASD lottery for the 2023/2024 school year opens February 1 and closes March 23. We have several exciting things happening for recruitment this year, and many opportunities for you to help.
- A new video, featuring our awesome students, staff, and parents is being made.
- Students and staff will be attending several elementary schools to speak with incoming 7th graders about what it’s like here at Steller.
Steller will also have a table at two important school fairs, and we need parent volunteers to help out.
- Saturday, January 28 1-4pm at Loussac Library
- Saturday, February 4, 12-4 at Ed Centre
We are super excited to be back to hosting the Steller Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, February 15th 6-7.30pm
To volunteer please use Sign up Genius here.
Steller Parent Group is also hoping to be able to speak at the parent group meetings at as many of our feeder schools as possible. If you have connections to any schools, or would be interested in presenting, please contact our chairs at
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