Parents and Students,
I am planning an educational study group for adolescent girls starting immediately after school April. 3rd. I prefer to just have girls so that there will be more participation and less socialization. This is a group strictly for fun. Consequently, I have chosen an interesting topic that everyone can benefit from.
The group will focus on motivational styles. We will identify our motivational style by taking a short quiz, and then we will discuss what we found out and how we can use this information to motivate us as well as others. We will also talk about goal planning and related topics.  The study group is based on a 2009 book entitled Get Motivated. Learning what most motivates us can help to facilitate success in school, careers, relationships and other areas of life. The book says we are motivated by drives, needs and values. The information is informative and entertaining. It is fun to find out about ourselves and learn how we can use that information.
I will need a commitment from the group members to stay with the group until its completion (six weeks). It is disruptive to be present one week and not another. So, if as a student or the parent of a student, you feel this group could be beneficial please complete the attached form and return ASAP. I must have parental consent for participation. We will start immediately after school on April 3rd.  The group will last about an hour and will meet every Tuesday for six weeks, ending May 8th.  If you need more information, a detailed explanation of the group was posted on Flash back in February and you can always call me at 742-4963.
Anne McCarron, RN
Steller Secondary School Nurse