AG Announcements – 1/07/13
High school students interested in forming a mock trial team, please meet at 12 on Wednesday in Leigh Anne’s relo.
There is a Oregon Shakespeare Trip meeting Wednesday at 11:45 in Philip’s room.
Interested in saving the world? Want some practice with that? You can get some first-hand experience with your goals this February 21-23 at the Alaska Model United Nations at UAA. Steller students have a long and storied tradition of strong participation in the Model United Nations and we are currently accepting interested high school students for this year’s conference. Come meet with us this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room and get the scoop on how you can participate.
Shadow Volunteers needed. Â Sign up with Elizabeth in the office. Â Shadowing starts Monday, February 11th and goes until Friday, March 1st. Â Dates:
Mon 2/11-Thurs 2/14
Tues 2/19 – Fri 2/22
Mon 3/4 – Thurs 3/7
Tuesday, at noon, in Jen’s room will be a meeting to discuss the upcoming ACM. Op group officers and those who volunteered to help lead a session are expected to be there.
If you would like your Literature as Painting Project Manual back, please come get it before the end of the day.
Temple of the Bean interviews are this week. Anyone who has turned in an application needs to schedule a time in the office.
Northstar Community Service students, there will be a mandatory meeting at lunch today in the MPR Room.