Dear Steller Fall Middle School Sports Families,
We are so happy to have your student back in school and participating in fall sports!  We hope you and your family have had an excellent summer.  The purpose of this communication is to notify you about an important change to the start times for Middle School Cross Country Running and Girls Basketball competitions. Â
Due to a shortage of bus drivers this year, we are not able to start competitions directly following school as we have in the past. For this Fall sports season, competitions will begin closer to 5:00 p.m. We understand this change of time will be inconvenient for some families and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience ahead of time. This change of start times only affects competition days; after school practice times will not change. On competition days, participants will stay at school for supervised homework help and a short warm up prior to games to accommodate for the change in competition time. Â
If this change of start time will make it impossible for your student to participate, please let your school know. If you have paid a participation fee, this will be refunded. Please contact your middle school if you have any questions.
We are looking forward a positive competitive Fall sports season with your students, and we will see you on the running trail or on the basketball court very soon!
Thank you,
ASD Activities
P.S. Any question, comments or concerns you can contact me at 742-4950, Reed