Meeting Schedule Update

Wednesday, April 23rd, is filled with three important meetings. Please note the changes in date and location. If there was one night of the year to attend as many school meetings as possible, this might be your opportunity!!

The Steller Strategic Plan Committee will meet at 4pm in Danielle’s Room to take the work done on Steller’s mission at the last all-community meeting and refine it into a statement we can all support. We will also work on the philosophy statement and a list of our core values. This material will come back to the full community, probably next school year. For more information hit the Read the rest of this entry button below.

Ad Board to meet at 5:30pm in Danielle’s Room. This is a rescheduled meeting due to the snow cancellation last week. Karin and staff will be in attendence.

Parent Group to meet at 5:30pm in Ken’s Room. This is also a change from the previously announced date.

More on Strategic Planning Committee

This is a working meeting with a big goal on some important work. I realize that some parents and students can’t make a 4pm meeting, so I am willing to hold a second meeting at a later evening time if needed. Please let me know if you are interested in that.
As with all our committee meetings, every member of the Steller community is invited to participate and to vote.
A bit of news. The dot-voting process at the all-community meeting produced the priorities listed below for our process for next year. We will take on the top three, integrating that work into the Northwest Accreditation work already going on.

Rigor and Relevance – 33
Commitment – buy in for Steller and the program – 23
School governance – 20
SDL’s – consistency, high school and middle school format, content offerings – 11
Wednesday Schedule – 9
Sense of Community – 7
Intensives – 7
Community Service – 5
Documentation/Records – 4
New Parent Orientation – 3
Recruitment – 3
Emergency Preparation – 0
Facilities/Program Needs – 0