March 18 Parent Meeting Notes

Staff: working on Advisory Group Handbook.   Discussing possible credit for student participation in Op Group and Ad Board.  Discussing what to do with Auction Proceeds.

No Principal Report:

No Treasurer Report:

Old Business: There will not be a Talent Show/Dessert Night due to the Auction auditioning for performers on the night of the Auction.

There is a new Portable at Steller.

Advisory Group Discussion: All community meeting was well attended.  Advisory group would like to know what parents are looking for from the Advisory Groups.

One parent stated that she would like to see that the weekly meetings are not wasted time.

A motion was made: The Parent Group would like to have the issue to assign an advisory group mentor to new teachers addressed immediately.  A second was made.  All present were in favor.

Auction Discussion: A parent suggested that some of the large Advisory Group baskets be split up so they could make more money.  Some of the baskets have large values but bring in pennies to the dollar.  If the baskets were split up, more money could be made.  If there were more than one basket for an Advisory Group, each basket’s proceeds would still be credited to the Advisory group.

A parent requested that each Advisory Group basket theme be put on the Flash.   This cannot currently be done due to the compositeness of the Advisory Groups.  The groups keep the baskets a secret until the night of the Auction.

Decorations: The theme of the auction is “Steller by Starlight.”  We need a stage and a gazebo or canopy. We also need stars and blue and white lights.

Food: Each Advisory Group is responsible for an appetizer and a dessert tray

Entertainment: Auditions were held on the 17th and 18th for performers to entertain during the auction.

Donations: A parent reminded the donation committee to check all of the expiration dates on the gift certificates.

There should be an item list printed for the day of the auction so it will be easy to set up the items on the tables.

For the future Auctions: Each committee should write up a description of the functions and duties of the committee.  There should be an Auction Note book that can be passed down from year to year.

Should the Auction be moved to before Christmas?

Should there be mandatory hours parents and students commit to for the auction?

Should the teachers even be involved with the auction duties?

Should there be an auction?

Should the auction have a more defined purpose for the funds?

This year there will be a Stella’s Closet.  Slightly used or new clothes.  Still need donations.

Volunteers: Monday March 22nd and Wednesday March 24th from 9:30 – 11:30 to receive and process the donations and to help with displays.

Friday March 26th The day of the Auction,  We need LOTS of HELP to set up for the Auction.  Please email Jean or Philip to confirm you can help.  We would like a head count.

Volunteer needed to be in charge of the thank you notes for all the donors.

Volunteer needed for tech support.

Raffle: Steller does not have a raffle permit.

New Business for next meeting:

Meeting calendar for next year

Election of officers

Recruiting parent liaisons recruiting parent volunteers- Job descriptions


Dance Friday 8-11

Ad Board meets Thursday March 25

Auction is Friday, March 26  from 6pm-10pm

Next Parent Group Meeting Thursday April 15