Letter from Karin

Dear Steller Parents and Students,

Steller is a very unique and special learning environment where all members of the community are valued. I have appreciated the opportunity to be a part of this community for the past three years. For each of us, there are times and circumstances that result in the need for change and such is the case for me at this time. Personally and professionally, the timing is right for me to make a job change. This was a difficult decision and while I will certainly miss Steller, it is the correct choice for me and my family.

I encourage each of you to attend the “Meet and Greet” which be held at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, May 13th, here at Steller to meet the prospective candidates and provide written input into the process for the selection of your new Principal.

I look forward to a great close of the school year and wish all of you the best now and in the future.