Lead On

Below is information about a weekend youth leadership conference our Health Services supervisor passed on to the nurses.  My children went to many similar conferences growing up in Anchorage and not only learned a great deal, but made new friends and had a great time. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for one or more Steller students. The application is in the attachment.

Steller School Nurse
(907) 742-4963

Click here to download the Lead On Application 2012
Hi everyone,

It’s that time of the year again!!!  The Lead On youth is coming up in November (10th-12th), and we are currently accepting applications.  We have two application review dates left, and are accepting applications until August 28th  for the second round, and until September 14th for the third and last round.  While we do have some time before September 14th, spots are awarded on a first come first serve basis, so the earlier a youth applies the better.  Following the first application deadline, we admitted 17 youth, and provided scholarships to 12.

And for those of you that are not familiar with Lead On!, it is an annual youth leadership mini-summit aimed at promoting peace and equality throughout the state of Alaska. We will hold this year’s event during Veteran’s Day weekend, November 10-12th at the Embassy Suites in Anchorage, Alaska.

Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) is working with youth across the state to build a movement to promote respect and end violence and we really hope you  will join us in building this movement. Every year we ask presenters to engage our  youth through  presentations discussing various topics, including culture & identity, healthy relationships, nonviolence, leadership, positive choices, and community activism. There will be about 120 participants attending, however they will be divided into smaller breakout sessions. Additionally we will spend an entire day at the Alaskan Native Heritage Center, as well as spend some time creating a digital story focused on what the youth have learned at Lead On, and their plans for creating change in their home communities.

Also, here is a short video describing what Lead On is all about  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32nuUv0VWdw&feature=plcp and a digital story created at Lead On by our youth participants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbMyo3Goa8g. The Lead On webpage is http://www.andvsa.org/prevention-projects/lead-on/

We are beyond excited to bring these youth together, and help them create change in their communities.  This is an opportunity to meet other youth with similar goals, and learn how to make that difference, so please apply or inform youth in your life about Lead On.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Claudia Plesa, either through email or via phone.  My direct line is 586-6566.  Thank you for your interest in Lead On and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Claudia PleÅŸa
Prevention VISTA & Project Coordinator
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
130 Seward St. Suite 214
Juneau, AK 99801
(p) 907.586.6566
(f) 907.463.4493