Juniors/Sophomores/Freshmen: Summer Teen Experiences

Business Camp, Advanced Business Camp, Healthcare Week Pathway, Aerospace, Marine and Process Technology (AMPT) professions,

Great way to see a campus and learn some great skills!  Live at college in the dorms, eat there and explore what you MIGHT like to do as a career!  Cost is subsidized (you only pay $325 out of the $1025 cost–plus transportation/spending money for a week) unless you  have financial need–then you can apply for a scholarship/partial scholarship to help pay the cost of the fee.  I have emailed for a deadline for the application because I have not found one yet in the literature.  Different camp dates for each college.

http://www.wbw.org/Programs_Summer.aspx (all the campuses)
http://www.alaskachamber.com/content/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=103&Itemid=133 (Fairbanks, Alaska)
I hope some of you check this out!


Through Chamber of Commerce organizations–BUSINESS WEEK is a week-long, hands-on, experiential, overnight summer program for high school students to explore what the future holds in the real world. You’ll develop skills in leadership, teamwork, and communication while making decisions that are required in real-life work situations. You’ll be part of a management team of 8-12 participants charged with the task of turning your “company” into a financial success. At the end-of-the-week, after developing a marketing strategy, you’ll compete in a Trade Show and make a Stockholder’s presentation. Each company is matched with a “Company Advisor,” a volunteer mentor from the related business community, who serves as a guide through the week.

Summer Programs Schedule:

* Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA teen camp
Teen camp programs include:
-Business Week
June 20-26 , 2010

* Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA teen camp
Teen camp programs include:
-Business Week
-Healthcare Week Pathway
-Get AMPT! Week *new*
July 11-17 , 2010

* Central Washington University
Ellensburg, WA teen camp
Teen camp programs include:
-Business Week
-Construction Week Pathway
-Advanced Business Week
July 18-24 , 2010

* Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA teen camp
Teen camp programs include:
-Business Week
-Healthcare Week Pathway
August 1-7 , 2010

* University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK teen camp

Teen camp programs include:
-Business Week
August 8-14 , 2010

Alaska Business Week is an exciting and unique experience for high school students. You’ll spend an intensive week living on a college campus in a simulated “corporate” environment learning business, teambuilding, leadership and life skills. It’s a crash course in the challenges and opportunities of life after high school such as preparing for a career, workplace issues, managing money, networking skills, email etiquette, business ethics and so much more!  You’ll be part of a small team (“company”) of students from around the state. Joined by a mentor “Company Advisor” from the business community, your “company” will be challenged with real-life business scenarios through a computer simulation, competing against one another in the world of production, marketing and finance. Throughout the week you’ll also engage in seminars, workshops, small group discussions and career exploration.
Sign up soon!

Alaska Business Week is open to all high school age students from across Alaska. The $325 registration fee covers: a full week’s stay at University of Alaska Fairbanks, all meals, program materials, activities, entertainment and a shirt. Financial assistance is available.