Every year at the Alaska Native Heritage Center, we host the Indigenous World Film Festival. This year, we’re including the second annual Student Section. The media class in our after-school program for high-schoolers is hosting the event—designing programs, emceeing, selecting and scheduling the films, and, of course, submitting some of their own work. We would like to invite everyone to participate, and would appreciate it very much if you would spread the word. Filmmakers do not necessarily have to be a member of an indigenous culture, but the film should feature indigenous people and/or issues in some way. All filmmakers must be high school students (not older than 20 years old). College students are welcome to participate in the professional section of the festival. The deadline for submission is December 10, 2010 and entries can be sent to the Alaska Native Heritage Center c/o Steven Alvarez and IWFF at 8800 Heritage Center Drive Anchorage, AK 99504. Please visit our website for more information http//www.alaskanative.net/en/main_nav/education/youth/indigenous-world-film-festival-student-show/ Thanks so much for your help in getting the word out and we look forward to seeing some entries from your neck of the woods.
Kathelyn Unin
Administrative Assistant/Scheduler
Ph (907) 330-8071
Fax (907) 330-8003