Starting in January, vaccines will no longer be supplied by the State of ALaska, except in children who are either Native Alaskan/American Indian, are covered by Medicaid or Denali Kid Care, or have no health insurance. Every provider who uses state supplied vaccines must abide by this new policy. This includes the pediatricians and all community based clinics.
If students are not in one of the above categories, they can still receive the vaccines at the pediatricians/practitioner’s office for a fee from their privately purchased stock. I contacted a primary care clinic and was informed that they charge $65 for the serum plus an administration fee of $45. That amounts to a total cost of  $110 for the tetanus injection.
If a student is underinsured, meaning they have health insurance but vaccines are not covered in part or in whole, the only providers that can administer them free of cost are Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center (257-4600) or the Municipal Health Dept. (343-4799).
If your adolescent needs a tetanus vaccination, now is the time to have it done if you want to avoid paying a fee. The muni has a walk in clinic Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1-5:30 and Friday 8-4:30 for anyone 18 and under. Help me get the word out about this.
Nurse Anne
Steller School Nurse
Direct line 907-742-4963
Fax 907- 742-4966