Important Notice – Severe Banana Allergy

First of all let me just say it is a wonderful thing that our parents are doing-  providing our staff with lunch.  You don’t find such generosity and kindness in many sectors of our society lately.  Clearly the Steller community is a unique group of people.

Every staff member appreciates your gesture of kindness however, I must make everyone aware of an incident that occurred Wednesday of last week [11/26/08].
As you may or may not know we have a staff member that has a sever allergy to all things “Banana”.  As she walked into the staff lounge she became ill due to merely being around banana bread.  After two epi-pen injections and an ambulance ride to the emergency room she is fine.

But, I would like to ask a favor-  that is if anyone should bring into our building anything with banana in it please let us know in the office.  That way our staff member with the allergy can avoid that area.  Also, the main office is a “Banana Free Zone” we have signs posted in and around the office area to alert everyone
that there are no bananas allowed.

Please, try to abide by this very simple and straight forward request to let us know if there are banana products in the building, where the products are and do not bring any banana products into our main office.

Again, thank you all for everything you do and please don’t let this announcement dampen that wonderful spirit you all exhibit towards the Steller staff.