IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding this week’s All Community Meeting, Thursday, November 12th

importantTaking Action to Strengthen our School and Expand the Learning

Opportunities for Students

We’ve been working hard in preparation for the first All Community Meeting and we hope to see you there!

Here is the schedule and details for the evening:

5:00-6:00 pm, DINNER, spaghetti, bread and salad in the Gym

5:30-6:00 pm, hear the BAND play in the MPR (still being confirmed)

6:00-6:15 pm, WELCOME and overview of the evening in the MPR

6:15-6:55 pm, BREAK-OUT GROUPS session 1 in multiple classrooms

6:50-7:30 pm, BREAK-OUT GROUPS session 2 in multiple classrooms

7:30-8:00 pm, GROUP REPORT OUT in the MPR

This fall, our community participated in a survey that sought to collect the topics to be discussed at the All Community Meeting. A committee of parents, students and staff met to review the contributed ideas and developed the following break-out groups for this Thursday’s meeting: 

  • Steller Q&A; answering the frequently asked questions
  • Post-Graduation; being real-world ready (i.e. college and job readiness)
  • Extracurricular Activities; what’s going on & what could happen at Steller
  • Enhanced Academics; the nitty-gritty, nose-to-the-grindstone stuff
  • Brainstorming; for everything under the sun
  • The Steller Standard & Attitude; are we there yet?
  • Steller Resources; more than classes and clubs 

It would still be great if we had a few more volunteers to help serve dinner starting at 5:00 pm so if you’re available PLEASE come and help serve up some spaghetti J



Contact Karen Gillis, or 907-887-1148