Homecoming dance - Friday, Sept 29th 7-11pm

Steller’s Homecoming dance is this Friday, September 29 from 7-11pm.  Tickets are on sale during lunch and at the door.  Couples are $12 and individual tickets are $7.  If you are bringing a guest from another school they must be signed up on the list in the office by Thursday afternoon.

WE NEED CHAPERONES FOR HOMECOMING!  In order for the dance to happen we need parents to volunteer their time for some or all of the dance.  Please contact the office at 742-4950 or e-mail Simone at sanders_simone@asdk12.org if you are able to chaperone.

One final Homecoming Dance request – if you would like to provide any baked goods for the dance please bring them to the office on Friday.  Thanks!