Highlights from the All Community Meeting 11/12/2015

With everything on the discussion table, the All Community Meeting dealt with numerous topics centered on taking action to strengthen Steller Secondary and expand the learning opportunities for students.

The spaghetti dinner was a WONDERFUL way to start the evening followed by welcome remarks in the multi-purpose room to get a feel for how ideas and questions were going to be dealt with in the 6 break-out groups. People were provided with two sessions and therefore got to choose to attend 2 of the 6 break-out groups of their interest.

The most important element of the ACM was the volunteers who made this night possible. THANK YOU to each of you who signed up to serve, lead and report for the evening!!

The Steller Advisory Board will meet this Thursday (November 19th at 6:00 pm) to discuss implementation of these ideas and design committees to tackle ideas that need development. Hope to see you there!

Here is a SUPER SUMMARY of the break-out groups:

  • Steller Q&A: parent involvement is increasingly important, with events and activities going on all the time it would be great to increase the volunteer base of parents (the Auction is coming up 1/30/16, respond to Flash requests, more parent involvement helps everyone), Steller could do a better job with the calendar and sharing information in different ways.
  • Post-Graduation: development of a student portfolio to include a variety of goals for every student, design ways of offering life-skills learning opportunities, internships or passage for career opportunities, 10th & 12th grade job readiness through mock interviews, resume assistance and professional dress guidance, teach economics and provide mentorships and internships.
  • Extracurricular Activities: three kinds of clubs – hobby, service, project, potential clubs – music, rowing, hiking, books, art/gallery, expansion possibilities: 7th hour parent led, make & post the potential list, bring life back to Steller, school-organized extracurricular events, keep clubs alive, advertise in Flash (overview – a club a day), club committee and offer club descriptions on website.
  • Brainstorming: scheduled travel opportunities, allow students to earn travel money by volunteering, junior class travel outside of Alaska or the U.S., use Steller as a home base for upperclassmen and keep them engaged, more clubs, seminar and debate. Design and encourage class bonding time, offer passages every hour and update website with new forms of media/communication to community.
  • Standard & Attitude: INCREASE school spirit, reintroduce a mentorship program – positive peer pressure, ensure the Steller Philosophy is understood at home, more peer taught classes, wide(er)spread distribution of Op Group notes and probation to include more interaction with peers.