HELP!!  We need full participation on this one!

Steller Community –

Please set aside a few minutes to help us stay connected AND support student learning.  There are three ways we normally support our Steller Community at the beginning of the year and this year with online registration we missed this opportunity.  In the past we had in-person registration, which allowed us easy connectivity.  Times they are a changin’ and so now we are relying on these flash email messages.  Please help us with all three of these links.

 1) Let’s Stay Connected – Students and parents benefit from having access to phone numbers and email addresses.  Let’s be sure to be available for information and invites to fun activities. 

Fill out the directory information here

2) Time and Talent – How will you spend your volunteer hours at Stellers? Let us help you by connecting you to the activities where parents are needed most and are a good fit for what you like to do.  

Please fill out the volunteer form here

3) Treasure – Each year our not-for-profit division (Parent Group) raises funds to support our learning community.  Specific items paid for are things like – resources for passages and peer taught courses (everything from chess sets, to books, to computer parts), family picnic and social supplies, books, students scholarships for travel, etc.  There are two major ways we get money for this fund. 1) An annual ask from every family ($50 per student or whatever works for your family.  In years past, we usually collect more than $5,000 from this at the beginning of the year.  This year the online Zangle function did not meet our needs, as we netted a total of $25. 2) Annual Community Gathering and Auction.  Parents chose NOT to hold a million fundraisers and instead to simply ask folks to contribute along with attend and support the one major social FUNdraiser of the year.  (more about this later). You can donate by using paypal or your credit card. This link will take you to the main website page.  Click the donate button in the upper left hand corner.  Please make your annual family contribution here.  

As always we are so excited about the school year ahead and are grateful for your involvement at every opportunity.Â