Help us stop vandalism!

The Anchorage School District has seen a rash of vandalism in recent weeks. Superintendent Carol Comeau is calling for the community to be vigilant and keep a close eye on neighborhood schools.

In the past 14 months, ASD has spent $275,000 repairing damage caused by vandalism.

“The behavior of these vandals is extremely frustrating,” said Comeau. “The cost it takes to repair this damage is money that had to be redirected from the classroom.”

Students who are caught vandalizing school property will face school disciplinary action as well as possible criminal charges. The district also routinely seeks restitution from the families of those responsible for school vandalism.

“Parents, please know where your children are after hours and talk to them about the importance of taking care of our school facilities,” said Comeau. “These buildings belong to the community and they must be kept in good working condition. The community takes pride in our schools and we need neighbors to keep a look out for our buildings and call Anchorage police if they see anything suspicious.”