FYI…For all those AG’s who help volunteer at the food bank (or those who were thinking about starting).  The food bank is in need of donations.



As you know, we just finished feeding more people at Thanksgiving Blessing and Neighborhood GIFT than ever before.

Compounding the fact that the need is greater is that food is becoming more valuable (i.e. more expensive) and FBA is having to purchase more food than ever before. You may not know that 50% of our food comes from local donations. Food drives account for less than 5% of the food we distribute, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a brutal winter.

As the holidays close, I am hoping you will visit our web site and make a contribution to help us fill our pantry for the hard months ahead. Thank you. And thank you for believing, as we do, that no one deserves to be hungry.

Susannah Morgan
Executive Director

Spread the word and help us fight hunger in Alaska! Please forward this request to those you think might also want to help

Food Bank of Alaska
2121 Spar Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501