Healthy and Wise Notes from Nurse Wendy…


Steller Secondary is a LATEX-REDUCED environment. Do not bring latex gloves, balloons, or other items made of latex into the building.

Parents of children with a known anaphylactic reaction especially to food, animals, or bee/wasp sting must provide the school with an Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan completed by a physician.  The nurse reviews the plan and gives a copy to the student’s teachers.  Teachers are trained to administer the epinephrine auto-injector and it will go with the child on field trips.  If you need a copy of the Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan to take to your doctor please contact the school nurse.


If your child has an inhaler at school, we must have an Asthma Action Plan on file. If you need a copy of the Asthma Action Plan to take to your doctor, I’ll be happy to make you a copy.  Request your copy by email,, or call me, 742-4963.  

PE Excuses

If a student will need to be out of PE for more than three days, a written request from a physician is necessary.  The excuse must specify the length of the absence (including the return date,) and the reason for it.


If your child requires medication during the school day, please contact me for the required paperwork.  All medication must be provided in the original container. The nurse cannot give out any loose medication that is sent to school in a baggie.  Students are prohibited by ASD policy from carrying controlled substance medications, such as those prescribed for ADD/ADHD, to school to give to the nurse. An adult must bring in this medication. All controlled medication must be counted by the nurse in view of the parent/guardian. For questions regarding medication administration at school, please call me.

Thank You

Thank you to all the families who donated lunch/snack items in August!  

Nurse Wendy