Got Grill Skill?

The Steller BBQ is just a few weeks away and we are excited to see Steller students, families and guardians, and staff! 

If you have grill skills we need you! We have rented a commercial grill and are looking for one person to be the BBQ lead, and a few more to staff the BBQ.  You can sign up for the Grill, help serve food, and other jobs here

And don’t forget to REGISTER here to help us plan how much food to buy:

Dates to remember:

Steller Orientation

Schedule for Thursday, August 17th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Advisory Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM – Students meet in their Grade Groups

Schedule for Friday, August 18th

8:30 – 11:45AM – Students meet in Grade Groups

11:45AM – 12:40PM – LUNCH

12:40 – 2:05PM Students meet in Advisory Groups

Wednesday, August 30 – Back to School Night (Meet the Teachers) & All Community Meeting (meet families, students, and Steller Parent Group)

Tuesday, September 12 – Steller Parent Group General Meeting

Principal and Staff Report, Budget Presentation, Open SPG positions, 50th Anniversary Celebrations. Every member of the community is automatically a member of SPG and is encouraged to attend meetings and share their voice.  

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to Steller Flash to receive updates directly to your inbox! 
