Gifted Mentorship Program 09/10 Information

The Gifted Mentorship Program pairs talented/gifted juniors and seniors with a mentor in a career field of great interest to the student.  With the help of a coordinator, the mentor and student develop an independent study course based on a college-style internship.  Students receive .5 elective credit and a letter grade for successful participation in the program.

We will be recruiting students at Steller for this year’s summer school program, as well as next year’s school program.  Interested current sophomores and juniors are welcome to attend informational meetings to be held at Steller in the library during lunch on Thursday, April 15th in the library/computer lab.  Ms. Wiley, Steller’s mentorship coordinator, will review the application process, mentorship requirements, and answer questions about the program at the meeting. Students with GPA’s over 3.5 and/ or high standardized test scores will be invited to attend the meeting.  Curious students and parents can also come to hear about the program.  Summer school will be happening this year; incoming seniors will be given priority because of the limited number of students that will be accepted.  If you can’t attend the meeting or have questions, please call Ms. Wiley at 575 6885 or email at

Steller Secondary School Current Students and Mentors

Erin A.  -  Rebecca Zubro, Providence, ER Nursing
Wade B.  -  Mike Crotty, AFD, Paramedic Medicine
Nora C.  -  Felicia Czekaj, Providence, Clinical Laboratory Science
Gina G.  -  Roberta Garvey, Pediatric Surgeons of AK, Pediatric Surgery
Hannah G.  -  Gordon Thompson, Architecture
Michael K.  -  Liberty Helgeson, Providence, ER Nursing
Madeline K.  -  Katie Larson, Alaska Zoo, Environmental Activism / Wildlife Biology
Samantha M.  -  Libby Brown, Providence, Neurological Nursing
Caitlyn P.  -  Shannon Jensen, Alaska Zoo, Wildlife Biology
Emily S.  -  Dr. Dwight Ellerbe, Plastic Surgery
Arvin T.  -  Joe Hickel, Hotel Captain Cook, Culinary Arts
Karlie W.  -  Lynne Young, Orthopedic Physicians of AK, Athletic Training
Robin W.  -  Andy Weiss, KPB, Architecture