Fun Info About the Auction!

Can you believe the Steller Annual Auction is only 12 days away?  November 16, 6:30 pm.  That means that we really need students (and parents) to turn in their new or very gently used donated items as soon as possible.


Wayne Mitchell, auctioneer extraordinaire and director of TBA Theater Company, will be heading up our Live auction on Saturday, November 16. You don’t want to miss him because you know he is sure to be entertaining!

Speaking of entertaining…do you know how to play Heads or Tails? Or as they may say during Mardi Gras Couronnes (coo-rahns) and Derrieres.


In order to play the game you must have beads.   And who doesn’t love Mardi Gras beads (purple, green and gold) and lots of them? Steller students will be selling beads at the auction and the cost will be 1 for $2 or 3 for $5. Get them while they are available.

As you may have guessed, the point of this game is to correctly guess the coin toss; however, this game requires physical participation.  First thing, everyone who has beads needs to stand up.  Then everyone playing chooses either Heads by placing their hands on their “head” -or- Tails by placing their hands on their “tails.”  A coin is tossed. Those who chose correctly continue to stand, while the rest lose a set of beads or sit down when no beads are left.  Of course between each flip of the coin you can change your mind, just to make the game more interesting!  The game continues until there is only one person remains standing.