From Steller Senior Class President, Brennan Rieger


There have been several proposals for how we should spend the several thousand dollars in our account. If you have a proposal, then you must give your idea to Cayman before February 4th. If you have not given him your idea by this date, then it will not be considered. No exceptions.

There will be two senior meetings in March. The first will be a budget meeting on the 22nd to decide how to spend our money. If you do not show up for this meeting, then you will have no say in how our money is spent. The second senior meeting is on the 29th and we will discuss the overnighter. If you have any ideas for the overnighter, please attend this meeting.

From April 5 to April 7 is testing for the lower grades. Two of these days will be designated as overnighter planning days. All seniors should attend if possible. These will not be days to brainstorm new ideas for the overnighter; this will be done at the class meeting. These days are production days to make calls to get chaperones and to actually start gathering materials.

There will be another senior meeting on the 12th of April. This will be a crucial meeting to discuss graduation. Be sure to attend.

The overnighter will be on the night of the 15th. Please mark this day in your calendar so that you will be able to attend. If you are a parent who is willing to chaperone, please mark this day in your calendar as well.

Thank you seniors!
